Monday, April 6, 2009

Time to Refocus

Hello, my name is Kate, and I am a diet slacker. Ugh.

There I said it. It is out there for the bloggy world to see. (Well the few people that read me.)

I cruised along being so committed for 2 1/2 months. Then I completely lost motivation. I am really not sure where it went. I kept up the workouts 3-4 times per week but I really couldn't tell you the last time I actually tracked my points and stayed within my daily allowance. It's like my stomach has been a big black hole that never fills up. I've been making terrible choices and I can feel it in my body. I'm not gaining any weight back but I still have roughly 5lbs to go to get to my 30 by 30 goal and that is creeping up on me.

Pity party...table for one please.


Megan said...

Well, I still think you have done so awesome. It is easy to lose motivations sometimes and I think that is awesome that you kept up your workouts and didn't gain any back. I have been where you are in terms of motivation for the last 6 months- at least. My new motivations is that summer is just around the corner. No more hiding under sweaters! I just bought 30 day Shred today and I am excited to start that today IN ADDITION to what I already do:-)

Kristin said...

YOU ARE LOOKING AWESOME... YOu will get back into the grove!!! YOU ARE DOING AMAZING MY FRIEND!!!


*Lissa* said...

I think that is pretty normal. You have been going SO STRONG and I know you will get back on track. I know you can do it, girl!

Sarah said...

Kate, You are my hero! I wish I could lose my motivation and still exercise 3-4 times a week! You Rock!